Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer so far..

Already it is late July and we are weeks into summer. Our summer started late here in Berlin. School was not out until early July so our adventures began soon after that.

Greta arrived the end of June. Originally we planned a month long trip to Turkey which we had to cancel. Instead we traveled to Scotland and also around Berlin area.

Scotland!! Green, green Scotland! We loved visiting our friend Waggy (pictured) who we knew from our days in Holland. It was a relief to have someone take us around to see the sights. Pictures of the highland games, hikes, Edinburgh and the village of Dingwall are on


Eisenach, Germany was fun too. It is a two hour train ride from Berlin. Despite the rain and cold weather we managed to explore this birthplace of Bach and hang out of Martin Luther. Actually he (Martin Luther) was in exile in the castle, which we managed to hike up to. This picture is the Rhododendrin Villa, where we stayed.

Then home to deal with Tom’s heart procedure. It all went well and I am happy to report that Tom’s heart is now beating regularly! He walked to the train station near our home a few days ago and was able to walk up and down the stairs without any trouble. He has resumed his running and biking routine with gusto.

We have a bike tour planned for next week. We will cycle from Berlin to Copenhagen. We are not sure we will make it that far, but will certainly try. I have a new bike and Greta will rent one just like it. I love my new bike, a Berliner Rad!

When we return from the bike tour, Tom starts school and Greta and I will head to Greece for some sun and warm water. We have an apartment in Corfu for 7 days!

Greta has lots of good things going on in her life. She has 2 blogs, but the Who I Met blog highlights some of the people she has met on our trips this summer.

Her hard work over the past year has paid off with an internship which should lead into a job. It is in Portland, Maine. She will travel to the south of France and attend a photography conference with her new employer later this summer.

I always love returning home to Berlin with its bike lanes, abundant fruit and flower stands, green spaces, lakes and of course the city itself.

So the headache family is doing quite well. We still all have headaches but manage to keep going. They seem to be worse when we travel for some reason. So our pleasure is combined with pain. Isn't that life, though.

Books we are reading..

Pam: Purge by Sofi Okasanen (found on world lit up blog)

Tom: The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Greta: Glass Castles Jeannette Walls

Monday, May 10, 2010

Isn't it wonderful!!

Good News!!

After six months of has been declared cancer free!!

We are so happy and grateful. Thanks to all of her friends and family who send cards, letters, brought over food, warm robes, yummy treats and called her on the phone. All of your love got her through this!!

She is doing just great now..gaining her strength and vigor and appetite. Her hair is even growing back.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today was Mom's last chemo! She is so relieved that it is over and when I called she sounded pretty perky. In fact she said she was "perky-quirky"! I think that means she is feeling pretty good, which usually is the case right after a chemo treatment.

You may wonder what is next. Now that treatment is over mom will meet with the doctor next week. She probably will be scheduled for a cat scan and that will be able to show if the chemo was successful.

As mom says.."no need to worry," so I will follow her advice.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sad Days

This morning I gave mom a call before her chemo. Today was her second to the last chemo. Pat is down helping her out and took her to chemo. Mom answered the phone and I could sense her sadness. In fact, she told me that today was a day of sadness for our family.

Adia, Jennifer and Bart's daughter was diagnosed yesterday with Type 1 Diabetes. (Pat's granddaughter, mom's great-granddaughter) She is in the hospital in Ketchum, Idaho. They are still trying to stabilize her blood sugar. Adia is learning to deal with this disease, but it is a challenge. She is one brave ten year old!

Today she is learning to moniter her blood sugar level by sticking her finger. So, everyone who walked in the door got stuck by Adia! Jen and Bart are by her side day and night and are trying to get a doctor lined up in the Los Angeles area.

I am always looking for strength and answers in books. Today I found this poem in a favorite book of mine, After the Ecstasy, the Laundry, by Jack Kornfield. The poem is by Rumi, an ancient Persian poet.

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all.
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture

Still treat each guest honorably,
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

As the author of this book so wisely says: "To bow to the fact of our life's sorrows and betrayals is to accept them: and from this deep gesture we discover that all life is workable. As we learn to bow, we discover that the heart holds more freedom and compassion than we could imagine. "

I see my family doing this...bowing to our sorrows. As we meet them head on, we laugh and love and care for each other. Adia, (bless her, bless her) has her testing kit by her bed...she is learning to use a hand held computer and will be able to calculate carbs in her meals whereever she is! She admitted after receiving stuffed animals and flowers..."maybe this isn't all bad" What a soul she has.

Pat has been with mom for the past week and will be there until next week. She has cooked, cleaned and cared for mother. Penny is getting some well-deserved rest. Mom's chemo went well this morning and she didn't have to get the million dollar shot which is wonderful news. (the shot made her hurt all over) So..five treatments to go.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Thanksgiving Toast

My cousin Bill, suggested that I read the New York Times editorial on Thanksgiving day. I am glad that I did. It held a lot of meaning for me and was read to our guests before we dug into our turkey dinner. You can read the entire essay online, but I especially liked the last few sentences:

" Most of what life contains comes to us unexpectedly after all. It is our job to welcome it and give it meaning. So let us toast what we cannot know and could not have guessed, and to the unexpected ways our lives will merge in Thanksgivings to come. "

Yes, we faced the unexpected this Thanksgiving, and by being together somehow it all had meaning. Our family was together at Penny's house, Pam had a gathering of family and friends, and Pat was in Chicago with her husband's family. We were spread out, but definitely bound in spirit.

Next week we face the cancer again. Monday brings more blood tests for Mom, and then another round of chemo on Tuesday. I know she dreads it all, but is facing it with spunk and
wit. This treatment is number 4..which means that she has 2 to go after this. That is good and offers some hope on this long journey.

Whatever you do to reach your higher power, be it praying, chanting, dancing, meditating, or a quiet walk in nature, send love and power moms way next week. It matters.

Link to NY times editorial is on this blog under "Helpful Links"

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Who Needs Hair!

Half way done! Last week Betty finished her third chemotherapy treatment. She has done much better this
time and had a lot less discomfort and nausea.

Her spirits are great thanks to her wonderful support network, which by the way has been found to be one of
the most important aids in healing.

Yes, her hair is now gone..but not to worry. She has been supplied with many groovy hats. This one even matches her carpet! It is soft and fuzzy and is up there as a favorite hat. She also has a bamboo hat she loves. Who has heard of bamboo yarn?

Pat is visiting mom this weekend. She got to watch grandson Justin quarterback his high school team to a victory. Mom was there in spirit.

Pat knows all about losing hair to chemotherapy as you can tell from this picture.

Tom..his hair loss is just..hmmm...well life. But I still think he is cute.

Still..we smile and we laugh and enjoy each moment we have together. And as we approach the season of Thanksgiving we have a lot to be grateful for.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Flying by with news...

Just flying by to let you know what has been happening with Mom.

  • She now has two chemo treatments under her belt

  • Once again..she felt crummmmmmmmmy after the treatment.

  • She has felt really good the past four we hope she keeps on feeling spunky. (at least until her next chemo in a few weeks)

  • Her hair all fell out..but she is keeping warm with some nice warm hats.

  • Penny is keeping her stocked with meals.

  • Annie is visiting daily and brings sweets.

  • Vito still bringing her the newspaper daily and her mail.

  • She appreciates all of your calls, cards and visits.